Author: neil
Club Racing 15-7-18
Club Racing 1-7-18
Club Racing 17-6-18
NZRYA has published the first of a new quarterly newsletter
NZRYA has published the first of a new quarterly newsletter in the ‘Newsletters’ section of the ‘NEWS’ tab on the Home Page of the NZRYA website. The editors Paul Johnson (NZL 04) and Bruce Edgar (NZL 93) wish to encourage all IOM owners to read and respond to the five leader topics in the June 2018 IOM Talk
On-line RC Sailing – Race Officer Course
Club Racing 3rd-6-18
Very calm conditions tested everyone’s patience. After eight races it was a three way tie with Neil,Alastair,and Doug with the final result decided on the last race.
Club Racing 20-5-18
Another great day sailing with twelve boats on the start line and a nice 5-12 knot westerly breeze . Nathaniel managed to notch up several podium places to be top of the leaderboard after eight races
Club Racing 6-5-18
Rain and little wind greeted the sailors on Sunday morning however this was no deterrent for Nathaniel. One extra win over Roddy Booth managed to break the tie breaker to make him top of the leaderboard at the end of the day
Kerikeri Club Champs 2018
Rob Nelson again showed the way to win this years championship. In some races he had to fight hard the challenges from the rest of the sixteen boat field to retain his consistent score line. Six sailors from Auckland made the trip north as well as Steve Kibble from Canada to compete against the hardened Northland sailors. Once again Roddy Booth was top kerikeri sailor who already has his name on the trophy six times.
This was a great fun event sailed in perfect westerly breeze enjoyed by all